UC New Media Research Directory
Forbes, Angus
February 2nd, 2007 under Grad Students, Uncategorized

Graduate Student, Media Arts & Technology Program, UC Santa Barbara

Angus Forbes
Angus Forbes is a graduate student in Media Arts and Technology (Visual and Spatial Arts emphasis) at UC Santa Barbara. His research interests include information visualization, augmented intelligence, artificial creativity, machine learning, and education. Angus was the founder of Synaesthetic Software, a company that develops music education software. He currently works for the National Geospatial Digital Archive as a programmer and interface designer. Angus is also the drummer for Chamisa Mesa, an experimental noise-rock band. In a former life, Angus was a PhD student in British and American Literature at the University of Utah.

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In scanning headlines from the late nineteenth century to the stock market crash—even knowing exactly how history turns out—I find myself drawn into the narrative, watching the dates jump forward in increments until the key words switch from “speculation” and “boom” to “depression” and “crash.” I click on the “next page” link at the bottom of my screen to see more and more pages of headlines as if I want to find out how the story ends. The experience reminds me, once again, that history is never finished and that the present is always waiting to change a past that has not yet happened.