UC New Media Research Directory
Ford, James
February 2nd, 2007 under Grad Students, Uncategorized

Graduate Student, School of Education, UC Santa Barbara
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James FordJames Ford is a doctoral student in education at UCSB. His general research interests are in writing studies, rhetoric, and technical communication. More specifically, he is interested in the way technology (namely augmented reality systems) impacts literacy practices, not only in educational settings, but in the workplace, and in common societal practices such as in political campaigns, tourism, and entertainment. His background is in technical communication and writing studies. He received his master’s degree in technical communication from Texas Tech University and began his studies at UCSB in 2004.
Currently, James is working with fellow Transliteracies Research Assistant Marc Breisinger on LEMMA. Along with researching applications of this technology in education, research is also being conducted in an attempt to better understand how users of enhanced reality environments represent their conceptual understanding of the abstract in 2D.

 Links:      4 Eyes Lab | Learning Environment with Multi-Media Augmentation | School of Education, UCSB | jameskford.com

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After his final flatline in William Gibson’s Neuromancer, McCoy Pauley, a cyberspace cowboy with a southern drawl and a penchant for surviving brain death, undergoes a radical transformation. His cognitive processes, personality quirks, ICE-cutting skills, and memories are all recorded on a ROM cassette and stored as file #0467839 in the basement library of the sense/net archives. The McCoy Pauly / Dixie Flatline’s reconfigured technological nature provides us with a new way to imagine the archive of memory, revealing not only the manner in which we perceive it, but how we might understand it in the future--as a physical metaphor for the psychical apparatus that evolves from Freud’s description of it in “A Note Upon the Mystic Writing Pad.”