UC New Media Research Directory
Shepard, David
April 13th, 2007 under Grad Students, Uncategorized

Graduate Student, English Dept., UCLA

David ShepardA former web designer and programmer, David Shepard’s interests center around code as art form and gaming, but he has also done work on early radio. With Alison Walker and Jessica Pressman, he has published Media-Specific Analysis: Analyzing the Specificities of Digital Texts, a web project that explores the specificity of presenting information in various digital platforms. He is currently writing on games and authorship.

 Links:      Media-Specific Analysis: Analyzing the Specificities of Digital Texts

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To adapt Jean-François Lyotard’s concept, we may say that media contact zones are like the pagus in classical times: the tricky frontier around a town where one deals warily with strangers because even the lowliest beggar may turn out to be a god, or vice versa. New media are always pagan media: strange, rough, and guileful; either messengers of the gods or spam.